Allie's Story: Allie with her terrapin

I have drug resistant focal impaired. I was diagnosed when I was around 14, I am turning 20 soon and it still isn’t figured out. I have had an unsuccessful lobectomy and two SEEG’s.

Allie’s Story: My lobectomy.

I had a piece of my left temporal lobe removed in Jan/Feb of 2022. It unfortunately did not work. But, my experience in the hospital was amazing. After the surgery I was able to truly say. I had and survived a brain surgery. No matter how many times I think/say that it amazes me. I think you have to think positively about the surgery.

Allie's Story: Allie being monitored in hospital

I’ve been having seizures since I was around 10, just had great difficulty with getting diagnosed. Multiple testing and different hospitals. Took a few years to get diagnosed. Currently, I have a good few days with no seizures, then will go a few days with multiple seizures a day. I occasionally have grand mal. Medication side effects hit me really hard.

Allie (age 19) @lifewithepilepsyy