We have listed other Epilepsy Associations that you can also contact
Epilepsy Action, 0808 800 5050: Confidential advice and information from trained staff, on diagnosis, medication, driving, pregnancy and other issues related to living with epilepsy.
Epilepsy Society, 01494 601400: For people with epilepsy, their families, friends, carers, employers, GPs, nurses, healthcare professionals, schools, students…
Epilepsy Research UK, 020 8747 5024: Funds independent research into the causes, treatment, prevention and impact of epilepsy throughout the UK.
Young Epilepsy, 01342 832 243: To create better futures for young lives with epilepsy and associated conditions.
Matthew Friends, 01342 836 571: To publicise Ketogenic Dietary Therapies and make them more available to all those who should need them, be it child or adult.
Sudep Action, 01235 772 850: SUDEP Action is dedicated to raising awareness of epilepsy risks and tackling epilepsy deaths including Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. We are the only UK charity specialised in supporting and involving people bereaved by epilepsy.
Brain and Spine Foundation, 0808 808 1000: A service run by neuroscience nurses and other health professionals, covering all brain and spine conditions, from fairly common to the very rare.
Epilepsy Scotland, 0808 800 2200: A confidential freephone number for anyone looking for advice or information about epilepsy.
Dravet Syndrome Foundation, 07874 866 937: Dravet Syndrome UK is an independent UK charity dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by Dravet syndrome through support, education and medical research.
Few people are actually willing to step up and talk about Epilepsy. We need to make the world aware of the impact Epilepsy has on so many and find a cure. Without a cure, there are far too many people who will never have relief from seizures.