Table of Contents

Click the question to scroll down to the answer to learn about epilepsy
Learn about epilepsy with The Voice For Epilepsy association. Image of the brain in a man.
Living with epilepsy doesn't mean it has to govern your life. Young epilepsy sufferer sleeping peacefully.
managing epilepsy menu

Table of Contents

Click the question to scroll down to the answer to learn about epilepsy
Learn about epilepsy with The Voice For Epilepsy association. Image of the brain in a man.
Living with epilepsy doesn't mean it has to govern your life. Young epilepsy sufferer sleeping peacefully.
managing epilepsy menu


Few people are actually willing to step up and talk about Epilepsy. We need to make the world aware of the impact Epilepsy has on so many and find a cure. Without a cure, there are far too many people who will never have relief from seizures.